2 research outputs found

    The Living Experience of Feeling Playful

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    Feeling playful is a universal living experience. The human becoming paradigm of sciencing the art that is nursing guided the study. The purposes of this nursing science were to uncover the structure of the universal living experience of feeling playful, to contribute to the development of the nursing theory of human becoming in relation to feeling playful, and to gain insight into the unique ways people choose living quality becoming visible-invisible becoming of the emerging now framed in the ethos of the human becoming paradigm. The participants were 10 reservation dwellers living in the rural upper Midwest. A synthetic definition through concept inventing has been created. The Parse research method of dialogical engagement, extraction-synthesis, and heuristic interpretation was utilized to expand understanding of this phenomenon and contribute to living the art of nursing. The research question was; What is the structure of the universal living experience of feeling playful? The structure of the universal living experience of feeling playful is: Feeling playful is jubilant delight surfacing with engaging the novel, as optimism amid potential grimness emerges with vibrant affiliations. The findings added new knowledge to living quality, advanced living the art of nursing science, and presented future direction for nursing science